Quelle: Online Stellenmarkt – www.online-stellenmarkt.net
We are a recruiting agency
About the role
Our Business Services department provides a range of services for
organisations. These include front-line advice giving on our live
services, assessing data breaches, managing our fees processes and
developing products to help small and medium enterprises comply
with their information rights obligations. Our work is varied and
fast paced, as we strive to provide first class services that stay
relevant to the needs and expectations of our customers.
Case Officers perform contact centre-based roles with a difference.
Splitting their time between front-line and back-office functions,
they spend significant time providing advice on live service
channels, as well as assessing written enquiries and reports, and
using what they learn from customers to help develop resources.
Part time applicants are welcome to apply and will be considered.
Please state the working pattern you require when submitting your
About you
You will be committed to providing first class customer service,
putting the need to deliver timely, relevant and helpful
experiences for our customers at the heart of what you do.
You will be a confident communicator, with good listening skills
and the ability to ask good questions to understand each customer’s
specific needs. You will also have strong writing skills.
You will be keen to learn, with the ability to analyse legislation
and apply it to particular cases. You don’t need to know
information rights law when you join us. But you must be able to
understand and explain complex rules, concepts and guidelines.
You will have good judgement and be able handle casework in line
with established strategies, policies and procedures.
You will need to be flexible, open to new opportunities and have
strong interpersonal skills, with the ability to work closely with
others across our services to help us achieve our departmental aims
and objectives.
Please write me your salary expectations, experience and CV
Also you could fill up this form and we ll contact you!
Quelle: Online Stellenmarkt – www.online-stellenmarkt.net
Ansprechpartner: nikolasfox59@gmail.com
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber des Stellenangebots:
Telefon: +62 49 2141867077
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